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Picture it. My boarding business, circa 2017: I'm knee-deep in the chaos of managing my barn, watching my “oh so graceful” equine companions walk in and out of their stalls as they pleased. Not a care in the world.  Bedding was flying out of the stalls like confetti at a party, and my wallet was shedding tears over the wasted money (shout out the the 90s kids like me who wore their wallets with chains).

In a stroke of genius, I drilled a push broom head into the stall threshold. It was at that moment I decided I would never be a contractor.  It worked... kinda. The broom didn't hold up and turned into an eyesore faster than any piece of art I created as a child. Time for Plan B – or should I say Plan "Hay, let's not make a mess!"

Surprisingly, my quest for a commercial solution led me down an empty stable. No products in sight! That's when I put on my entrepreneur hat and created MuckMeister Enterprises, LLC.  Some say I should have used an entrepreneur helmet. Hindsight is 20/20.

Cue the dramatic montage: countless prototypes, Covid curveballs, supply hiccups, and one determined individual later, I created the Bedding Blocker®. The world's first defense against runaway bedding and a stylish addition to any stall.

MuckMeister HQ? My converted horse barn in southeast Pennsylvania. I said "neigh" to the horse boarding business, making room for the Bedding Blocker®. From customer service to labeling to shipping – I do it all, with the finesse of a horse avoiding a puddle. Unless it’s my horse. He likes to toddler jump in them. Weirdo. I digress.

And when I'm not chasing around wild ideas or running MuckMeister, you can find me in an ambulance or in the hospital. Plot twist much?! I’m not sick or injured (the helmet helped). I’ve been a paramedic for 20 years and recently decided to use my nursing degree for an inpatient hospital gig. 

Let's not forget my furry friends: Atlas, Tess, and the retired-jumping-champion-turned-luxury-trail-companion, Dunkin, my 16-year-old Arab gelding.  He looks like a Dunkin macchiato with his big ol’ white legs and face. I have also compared him to a pumpkin roll when he’s laying down.  Sometimes he thinks he’s on fire and he really likes to prance, but that’s the Arab comin’ out! 

I’d like to think I’m just an average gal who likes to help people in one way or another. I also drink too much coffee and stirrup shenanigans in my spare time.


We love hearing from customers and fellow equestrians alike! Drop us a line, give us a call, or follow us on social.

Interested in becoming a distributor or other wholesale purchase options? Check out our distributor page and request a copy of our free eBook, created especially for you! 

(610) 82B-BLOC

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